Stone's Stormy Weather and Kelly's and Donen's Singing in the Rain are mainstream musicals, although Stormy Weather differentiates itself with an all-black cast. The rain wets the actor's body or a piece of paper, and, although I have not analyzed this film, in Kurosawa's Rashomon they decided to dye the water with black ink so it could be visible. The metaphor scenarios describes here are entrenched in the ways of conceiving the relationship between human beings and nature. Definition of self and identity is based on surrounding community including human and non-human beings. The harmony between the Heaven qi, the Earth qi, and the Central Harmony qi can be disrupted by some kind of human offense against the forces. The samurai and the villagers work as a team, and Kambei Shimada and other samurai distribute the forces of the villagers and samurai like an army towards the weaker areas of the village.