The author have the Plea for Pardon, since author impose not on theirs lordship's protection a work meerly of my own compiling; having in this adventure launcht out in Shakespear's bottom where is the harm of letting the people see what miseries common-wealths have been involv'd in, by a blind compliance with their popular misleaders: nor may it be altogether amiss, to give these projectors themselves, examples how wretched their dependence is on the uncertain crowd. The moral therefore of these scenes being to recommend submission and adherence to establisht lawful power, which in a word, is loyalty; They have so far a natural claim to your lordship's acceptance: This virtue seeming inheritance in your lordship, and deriv'd from your ancestours with your blood. The same fidelity to the crown wants to compleat the character of the present Marquess of Worcester; whose eminent virtues have rendred him an ornament both of our court and age.