This chapter describes Stavisky was attracted to the theatre, and two of his earliest swindles were theatre-related; eventually he took over the Empire Music Hall, which offered one of the best shows of the 1932 Paris season. Here is the report published in the il de Paris: Edouard Daladier succeeded Chautemps as Premier Ministre, and this brought several days of calm. The enthusiasm that greeted Coriolan is further exemplified by the title of the leading article in Comaedia "La reptition generale est une grande date du Theatre. a classical authority figure in the mould of Coriolanus-an Orestes, Oedipus, or a Creon-strode on stage, audiences sat up and looked for political implications. The intermingling of art and politics is clearly a perennial characteristic of French theatre. One final parallel between these two opposing figures is the manner of their deaths. Coriolanus is killed by those whom he had made his allies, the Volscians, whom he had successfully led in battle.