This chapter argues for the phenomenological observation of the world from an embodied perspective, that is, a view of the embodied subject who experiences a complex, constructing, transforming, and living body, as opposed to the fixed assumption of the human body and the world. The 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami and the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster has provided additional difficulties and challenges to daily life for all human beings in Japan, perhaps especially those with disabilities or chronic illnesses. People with disabilities and chronic illnesses required specific accessible forms of evacuation and shelter, for example, location and accessibility of shelters, accommodation and facilities available at shelters. In the "Cyborg Manifesto", Donna Haraway deploys the metaphor of a cyborg to challenge feminists to engage in a politics beyond naturalism and essentialism. The disabled cyborg overlooks the subjective lived experiences with technologies, where patriarchal and normative values continue to be practiced through and on disabled bodies.