Esposito argues, the exteriorization of the inside

(Esposito, “Community”; Campbell, Luisetti

et al.). Community is not obscured by the

veiling of the nothing: it is constituted by the

nothing. There is no “real” possibility lying

behind the improper. The opening of the

proper can never be filled in, enclosed upon

itself or cicatrized without using the cord of

the improper. Giving up, as Frederic Neyrat

also points out in “The Birth of Immunopoli-

tics,” should be understood as “ex-isting, a

movement outside of oneself” (Neyrat 33).

Living in a community is living outside of

oneself and therefore living in the improper.

How, then, could we ever leave the improper

behind or choose a proper existence, as Heideg-

ger once maintained, if we ourselves are always

already left behind by it? As Esposito states,

community is never a place of arrival, but

always of departure. This departure, however,

is never a leaving behind or overcoming.