This chapter identifies key components to consider in developing a comprehensive campus-based sexual violence program that provides direct services to victim/survivors and education to students, faculty, and staff. It highlighted the types of direct services an advocacy center might provide to victim/survivors and the components of an engaging education program to the campus community through a peer-based model, as well as emphasizing the importance of building relationships with both on-and off-campus partners. Campus-based programs assist victim/survivors and the institution by making sure student legal rights are met through the Campus SaVE act, Clery Act, and Title IX regulations. With the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and the implementation of the Campus SaVE Act, college and university campuses will soon be in the unparalleled position of implementing policies and providing support for victim/survivors, as well as training around sexual violence, for hundreds of thousands of students, staff, and faculty across the United States.