This chapter offers some reflections on the emergence and development of Chicana/o Studies in France from as early as 1965 until 2015. The significance of an academic adventure for a group of 20 scholars, over a span of 50 years, cannot be fully appreciated/understood unless it is contextualized within a favorable national environment. The transcultural voyage of young French scholars sent to the United States on exchange programs and scholarships to do field work during and after el movimiento generated feelings of solidarity. The cultural context in France during the prosperous post-war era known as "the Trente Glorieuses", the celebrated 30 years following the Second World War, is praised for its booming universities and promotion of the arts as well. The first generation of Chicana/o scholars, mainly Marcienne Rocard, Genevieve Fabre and Jean Cazemajou were teaching, directing research, editing books, organizing events, inviting artists, poets, novelists, critics and professors from American universities.