In this chapter, a way of working with people who have experiences labeled as 'psychosis' is described, one which is grounded in existential values. After clarifying these values, some principles of existential practice will be identified as a basis for therapeutic work with this client group, particularly those who are reluctant to engage with mental health services. A values-based approach Existential practitioners place much importance on values as these are seen to play a key role in determining purposeful action. Valuing a person freedom to choose, existential therapists encourage clients to work towards self-examination and self-determination. There are many different existential therapies and this chapter offered an account of how to work therapeutically with people who experience psychosis which is in keeping with the values existential practitioners often hold. The chapter introduces some existential values and principles that can, despite the challenges, be adopted when working psychologically with people who experience psychosis and are reluctant to engage with services.