This chapter discusses Mentoring for Attainment, a Higher Education Academy-funded scheme offered at a university in the Midlands region of the UK, and attendant issues relating to the debates about how to do mentoring in higher education. In higher education, the literature lacks both breadth and depth with a significant focus on the evaluation of mentoring programmes and the practical aspects of mentoring. The International Mentoring Association accredited coordinator provided a two-day training course, materials and leadership training, and mentors were required to provide feedback through a brief discussion with the coordinator fortnightly. As a Higher Education Academy-funded project, The Disparities in Student Attainment Project (DiSA) involved various interventions aimed at reducing the attainment gap between White students and their Black and minority ethnic (BME) counterparts in UK universities. Mentees and mentors are better served when they work together to build the relationship, negotiate boundaries and assess their progress.