This chapter presents the conversation between Kathleen M. Bailey and Anita Krishnan about the way of thinking and also about the seminar in language assessment. Kathi says that in the language assessment course, when a person estimates reliability, he or she wants the statistic called Pearson's correlation coefficient to be high and when they estimate validity, there are times when it should be low. Anita asks kathi whether he have found that other professors share his philosophy and use similar tactics in their classes. Kathi replied that Heekyeong Lee told him about some ideas she uses for the second-language-acquisition seminar. He said that she explained the construct of mediation, the Vygotskian notion that the mind and interactions with the world are mediated by artifacts, and also that she talks about Steve Jobs's inventions, because everyone knows about iPods or iPads. Anita appreciated that's a great example, because everyone can relate to mobile devices these days.