We, the OffMarket collective, take disused buildings and turn them into open resources. We have just moved in to [address in North-East London]. This space has been empty for more than a year now. Yes, we occupy buildings that don’t ‘belong’ to us. [ . . . ] There are lots of ideas about what to do with this space! One is to initially try and link to local and broader struggles that are happening in Hackney around issues like the coming cuts, housing, employment, gentrification, supermarket invasion etc. There will also be a FreeZone, where you can bring what you don’t need any more and take what you need; an InfoLibrary with literature available about various political subjects; promoting and defending squatting; skill-sharing etc. It would be lovely to hear from you and what you would like to see happening in a space like this. For now and in the future, we are open to your comments and feedback (or complaint!) about what we are doing. The space will officially open on Friday 7th January from 12noon. Come and visit the FreeZone, the library and the info on squatting. From 6pm, we’ll have some hot drinks and movies. Everyone welcome!