This chapter summarizes the relevant findings about the media portrayals of women leaders in occupations outside the sport context, media portrayal patterns of female athletes, and the scant literature of existing media portrayals of coaches. The social institution of media falls within the organizational level of the Ecological-Intersectional Model, but powerful influence of the sport/media complex affects every aspect of this model. While marginalization usually relates to the quantity of sport coverage female athletes receive, trivialization deals mainly with the quality of that coverage. Neo-homophobia as a lens provides the insights into the lack of media coverage of women coaches. Calhoun found that content creators are also complicit actors in the process, 'They help self-police, they police themselves, and they reinforce institutionalized and administrative policing. The chapter concludes with a discussion about future directions for research, what the lack of research on coach's means, and the sociocultural implications of the dearth of research on this topic.