This chapter discusses the socio-cultural examination of the lack of women coaches in the sport leadership positions. Advancing change at the socio-cultural level of the Ecological-Intersectional Model, the most distal level from the individual coach and therefore the level coaches have the least control over, is perhaps the most important place to focus efforts. LaVoi argues that the exposure to female role models, particularly in such highly regarded institutions as sport, can challenge stereotypic values and belief systems that women don't possess the 'right stuff' when it comes to leadership skills. Socio-cultural increments of change may be small and highly contested, but small changes can affect transformation at all other levels and result in more women being called 'Coach' around the globe. Socio-cultural anxieties about 'lesbian presence' in women's sports have a troubling history and have been used to create and maintain climates of fear and oppression.