Basura lays out oblivion, which coincides with a moment in which literatures have become, as Josefina Ludmer says, post-autonomous. The diasporic position of many literary works and the drastic emptying operation the people perform could be considered as one manifestation of the loss of specificity and autonomy in the current literary field and in contemporary literary practices. The Cuban literary critic Jorge Fornet remembers that the Chilean writer Antonio Skarmeta wrote in 1991 that dictatorship had violently divided a society that had previously been knitted together. People's current literary period, often referred to as post-autonomous, shows an increasing overlap between genres, mock fraud, plagiarism, replacement, and above all, an increasingly hazy distinction between the limits of truth and fiction. Literature, and particularly the novel and the essay, occupied a solid position between the literary and the intellectual fields. In the functioning of literature as an institution the concept of culture is a key element.