This chapter is quite unlike anything that author have ever written previously. It focuses on ineffable knowledge in headship or, as Polanyi terms it, skilful performance as the process of unconscious trial and error by which people feel their way to success and may continue to improve on everyone success without specifiably knowing it. Moreover, from a university-wide perspective, author have confined himself largely to internal academic unit relationships, although much of headship consists of attending to external relations with the university's senior leadership, and a range of government agencies, philanthropic bodies and professional agencies. To demonstrate the fallaciousness of the idea of individuals designated formally as leaders exercising a monopoly of organizational influence because this made no allowance for the unanticipated emergence of influential individuals. Despite well-documented scepticism and research-grounded psychological knowledge of incrementalism and the virtues of thinking small, visioning became elevated to a status bordering on the obsessional.