The elements of design are utilized by all visual artists to inform

and influence the viewer. Designers utilize the elements to

create two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art.

The successful costume designer has to understand both ways

of creating visual art as part of the collaborative and creative

process. For the costume designer there is the drawing or

rendering in two dimensions and the final three-dimensional

costume that is created for the stage. The following is a

description and investigation of the design elements that most

costume designers utilize in both the two-dimensional and three-

dimensional process: line, shape, space, form, color, texture, and value. As theatre artists our knowledge of these elements is a vital part of our ability to communicate with each other and

with the audience. The principles of design are the manner in

which the design elements are organized on a page and ultimately

on the costumed actor’s body. The nine principles of design that

most costume designers and visual artists utilize in the creation

of their work are: balance, emphasis, movement, pattern, repetition, proportion, rhythm, variety, and unity. These principles will be briefly touched upon throughout the chapter as the examination of the elements of design in the world of

costuming progresses.