This conclusion chapter presents some closing thoughts covered in the preceding chapter of this book. It begans to think about how life might be lived differently with and in the world and the waves as eloquently describes. Aoki's life's work, was perhaps not to build a curriculum or to collect data, but rather, to touch, to stir, and to animate a living pedagogy that destabilizes curricular practices and disciplines in order to contingently rewrite them. T. Aoki suggested that in-between the curriculum-as-plan and curriculum-as-lived is the where of learning. This in-between space invites exploration and experimental practices that animate ecologies and/or environments. Re-orienting curriculum work towards ecological practices of becoming resists disciplinarity by first, enabling moments of expression in classrooms; and second, by considering such moments as knowledge producing. The chapter focuses on the engaging with St. Pierre's work on new materialist methodologies, as well as the work of other scholars who have similarly and differently engaged with the newness.