This chapter describes contributions of the cognitive-linguistic research to the account of the core deictic architecture of the Discourse Space (DS). It discusses the role of that research in elucidating the DS center-periphery arrangement underpinning ideological and value-based positions in discourse. The chapter provides answers from Proximization Theory (PT) and its applications in the urgent discourses of anti-terrorism and anti-migration. It assesses the explanatory power of proximization in the account of the spatially grounded legitimization and coercion strategies. 'Spatial proximization' is a forced construal of the DS-peripheral entities encroaching physically upon the DS central entities. Analogously to Chilton's Discourse Space Theory, the spatial aspect of proximization is primary as the remaining aspects/strategies involve conceptualizations in spatial terms. PT is where spatial cognition and Critical Discourse Analysis meet in a conspicuous way. PT provides the cognitive-linguistic representation of Discourse Space with a dynamic element reflecting the speaker's awareness of the constantly evolving context.