This chapter aims to chronicle the history and evolution of the field of post-occupancy evaluation (POE) as it evolved into building performance evaluation (BPE), and to identify major milestones in its development. It outlines the progression of evaluation efforts. This was undertaken by categorizing evaluations by building types, ranging from residential housing to offices, hospitals and government facilities, or just about any facility type for that matter. Findings included: large organizations with repetitive building programs were the major players in POE/BPE projects; major concentrations of POE/BPE efforts were found in English-speaking countries like the US, UK, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. Major outcomes and benefits of POE/BPE case study evaluations were the development of guidelines for the planning and design of future buildings. The implications of the evolution of POE/BPE are increased sophistication of methodologies and system-wide applications in a growing number of countries around the world.