Gamifi cation is clearly in vogue. Although the term gamifi cation was only introduced quite recently (according to Deterding et al. 2011a, the fi rst documented use occurred in 2008), its application in the meaning “use of game design elements in non-game contexts” (Deterding et al. 2011b, 1) has a long history. In this longer history, however, gamifi cation represents “the most recent and visible instantiation of the interpenetration of games and everyday life” (Walz and Deterding 2014, 6). As the defi nition of gamifi cation suggests, gamifi cation means that something that is “gamifi ed” does not necessarily make it a “full-fl edged” game, but rather that many parts of everyday life may include one or more aspects of games (Deterding et al. 2011a). Examples of applications where such game design elements are used range from marketing communication (e.g., Dymek 2014), health promotion (King et al. 2013), risk management (Bajdor and Dragolea 2011), and education (e.g., Kapp 2012), to green consumption (Fuentes, this volume).