Every pregnancy is an experience of somatic and psychic transformation, particular and unique, inscribed in the biological constitution of the woman and important for the life cycle as it confirms the existence of an internal bodily space of the female anatomy. It is an experience that is impossible to know or control completely, mysterious even, as the woman experiences herself both as a carrier and protagonist of the event. It is an experience of health, of risk, of hope, of fear, of desires and of needs. There is a gradual but radical change in the body, both internal and external, and the woman feels differently from herself before, alone, faced with the unknown and at the mercy of continuous changes. In particular, in the last two months of pregnancy, characterized by the oncoming delivery, the enlargement of the body and the slowing down of the active life, the anxieties and the regressive phantasies become intensified and the emotional state is mainly dominated by fear of the delivery, of being overwhelmed by a somatic violence, by an imminent danger.