In England in 1935 a group of mothers created a multi-author correspondence magazine. Everything started thanks to one of them who, living in a situation of isolation, had launched an appeal on a magazine: “Can any mother help me?”. This is how the Cooperative Correspondence Club was founded. Every month, every mother would send a letter on a topic of interest for all the others. The editor, once collected the letters under the form of a magazine, would send them to the first woman of a previously agreed upon list who would add her comment before sending the magazine to the second and so on until the magazine returned in the hands of the first. “This way everyone was going to read and comment on what everyone else had written”. One of the women in the group, Elettra, has recently described the situation of mothers in our times: many things have changed, some have become simpler, but this has not made love simpler, which keeps on being a mystery, a terribly complex issue.