This chapter presents an overall picture rather than a stroke-by-stroke chronicle of all the major events up to the Second World War. The subject matter can conveniently, if somewhat artificially, be divided under various sub-headings: Clinical Work; Educational Activities; Research; Position of the Tavistock in the Community; Scarcity Economics; and Aspirations for the Future. In 1934 J. R. and the author were appointed by the Home Office to examine and assess the qualifications of the many German and Austrian psychotherapists who came to this country. Psychopathic heredity in gross form was scored as present when a history of psychosis, mental deficiency, epilepsy or severe neurotic symptoms in one or more first-degree relatives was recorded. The smooth transition from peace to war was as much as anything due to the excellent efforts of Conrad Ormond and Dudley Herbert, who also became good personal friends. Plans for the emergency were painstakingly complete and effective.