Elite sport events do appear to stimulate those that are already active in sports to do more sports. It generate interests from politicians and sponsors, and help generate media attention and funds. Elite sporting events, with their strict deadlines and media attention, suck up all the energy of the organisation and favour top-down approaches. The volunteers, all wearing very recognisable purple The European Youth Olympic Festival (EYOF) T-shirts, applauded the atmosphere and their many contacts with the athletes. EYOF was organised by the city of Utrecht, a special event-committee including outside professionals and a sport marketing organisation, and nine sport federations. The research was commissioned to a team of researchers from the Mulier Institute, Utrecht University and Hogeschool Utrecht. The formal goal of the event, selling 14,000 tickets, was realised. The main event generally seems to have elicited positive effects, especially among participants, volunteers and visitors. The official name of the side events was Achillea High Five Challenge.