Artistic interventions in organizations aim to disrupt the dominant economic logic that permeates most organizations with an artistic logic that is supposed to nurture creativity and innovation, two buzzwords of our age. This chapter examines the strengths and weaknesses of models. It shows how individuals in the intermediary role describe their process for bridging the gap between artists and the work organizations in which they make interventions. In order to gain this understanding, we contacted three quite different Swedish intermediary organizations with experience in this field such as Swedish Industrial Design Foundation (SVID), TILLT, and SKISS. In December 2013, Roger Sarjanen from TILLT, Marie Loft from SVID, Eva Mansson from SKISS and artist Malin Lobell conduct in-depth interviews with a process or project leader in these intermediary organizations. In contrast to TILLT, on artistic interventions, SVID participated in a research project its representative acted as an intermediary when designers worked with members of organizations to introduce innovation processes.