In the aftermath of Martine's treatment, a whole new working-through of hypotheses concerning the interplay of dynamics in analytical mother-daughter psychotherapy had to be made, taking into account both the neuro-developmental organic anomalies and the problem situation involving mourning that presided over this girl's birth. For the past ten years or so, researchers have used brain imagery to highlight brain and cerebellar anomalies in children with autism. According to recent neurophysiological data, both cerebellar abnormality and developmental and functional consequences have to be taken into account as regards their effect on brain circuitry and certain topographical areas. Primary depression with its annihilation anxiety and its sensations of falling perceived directly in the body may in itself bring about hypotonia, walking disorders and falling down. The neuro-developmental disorders lend weight to the hypothesis that there are in autism faults in the complex connections between the neocerebellum and certain cerebral zones.