This chapter examines the important deconstruction of autoaffection that appears in Derrida's 1967 Voice and Phenomenon. It looks to be a simple criticism of phenomenology, even a rejection and dismissal of phenomenology. Deconstruction aims to show that all auto-affection, however it is conceived, is really and fundamentally hetero-affection. It returns to the idea in a moment since it is central to Derrida's deconstruction of auto-affection in Voice and Phenomenon; moreover below, they see that the composition of the ultra-transcendental level is a complicated relation of forces. The chapter examines the specific arguments against auto-affection that we find in Voice and Phenomenon. The argumentation they have just reconstructed from Voice and Phenomenon implies something about the composition of the ultra-transcendental level. The logic of forces disturbs the theoretical foundations since the subject, they see now, is based in temporalisation. The deconstruction of sovereignty as it appears in Rogues. 'Ipse' is the Latin translation of the Greek 'auto'.