This chapter results from the discovery that, given mobile phones to use in their classroom to explore mobile learning opportunities, a group of secondary school science teachers in Sri Lanka all opted to trial teaching and learning activities that centered on using the phone’s camera to enhance student observations (Yatigammana Ekanayake & Wishart, 2014). Teaching science for understanding is difficult. According to many science educators (Newton, 2008; Ogborn, Kress, Martins, & McGillicuddy, 1996; Wellington & Ireson, 2012), this is due to the content of science education that includes abstractions and difficult ideas that cannot be seen or handled. Using mobile phones to capture images both inside and outside the classroom was perceived by these teachers as immediately supportive of student learning in this respect. In addition, the images can be saved and revisited both by the teacher for assessing student learning and by the students for later reinforcement and revision opportunities.