The potential affordances of mobile applications for learning include portability, social interactivity, context sensitivity, connectivity, and personalization (Churchill & Churchill, 2008; Klopfer, Squire, & Jenkins, 2002; Liaw, Hatala, & Huang, 2010; Squire, 2009; Traxler & Kukulska-Hulme, 2005). Context becomes key, as the power of mobile devices to support learning depends on a situated and contextualized decision to harness these affordances in service of learning. The ubiquity of mobile technologies can unlock new opportunities for “anytime, anywhere” learning (Sharples, Taylor, & Vavoula, 2005), and some authors assume that the portability of the mobile platform implies that learning with such devices will naturally be contextualized (Looi et al., 2009; Naismith, Lonsdale, Vavoula, & Sharples, 2004).