A Chronotopic analysis of Ulysses was created to plot, transpose and visualize Greek Classical and Italian Medieval poetic topologies from The Odyssey and the Inferno upon the 1904 Thom's map of Dublin. Ulysses, compiled from pre-existing sources illustrates that Joyce presciently anticipated Roland Barthes's definition of text as "a multi-dimensional space in which a variety of writings, none of them original, blend and clash. The text is a tissue of quotations drawn from the innumerable centres of culture". Ulysses occurs largely within the consciousness of Joyce's principal characters: the twenty-two year old student Stephen Dedalus, and thirty-eight-year-old advertising salesman, Leopold Bloom. Ulysses occurs largely within the consciousness of Joyce's principal characters: the twenty-two year old student Stephen Dedalus, and thirty-eight-year-old advertising salesman, Leopold Bloom. Joyce's plotting of character paths, and topological transpositions of the Odyssey and the Inferno across the time-space of Dublin in Ulysses cartographically anticipate in some ways Bakhtin's epochal confrontations of language and historical poetics.