This chapter sketches early intellectual cartographies of the Global South, by scrutinizing three travel texts of Argentinean intellectuals who visited China between 1952 and 1958. It reconstructs the network of discourses and institutions that informed Latin America's imaginaries of China in this relatively peaceful postwar global scenario. The Argentine poet Raul Gonzalez Tunon published Todos los hombres del mundo son hermanos after a two-month trip to the USSR and the People's Republic of China (PRC) sponsored by the World Peace Council in 1953. The French journalist Robert Guillain also commented on the homogeneity of travel texts to China in the wake of the Revolution. A collaborative work by the essayist Maria Rosa Oliver, the lawyer Norberto Frontini and the painter Juan Carlos Castagnino, the text gathers various intellectuals connected to the Argentine Peace Council, the local branch of the World Peace Council.