This chapter presents an interview between Starr Sheldon and Virginia Satir on the topic of family therapy. The interview took place on March 15, 1985 at Virginia's home in Menlo Park, California. The segment concerns the person of the therapist in family therapy training. The main training that goes on, has very little to do with helping the therapist in-training to become more fully human. In the family training program Satir directs that everyone has to do a family life chronology and do family reconstructions. Satir says that the first thing she would do is help the therapists get in touch with all the messages they learned when they were growing up about how they should be. Then, she would lead them all through Family Reconstructions so that they could become free of those messages. Starr says that, In the family training program he directs everyone has to do a family life chronology and therapists typically do family reconstructions.