Available research makes it clear: Couples therapy works. Fortunately, research outside of psychotherapy provides a new direction for improving performance. Across approaches, the average treated couple is better off than 80% of those receiving no treatment. Therapists vary considerably in their effectiveness outcomes. The average clinician is effective with some clients, somewhat helpful with others, and ineffective with the remaining. The purpose of this approach is to help therapists improve clinical outcomes in their work with couples. Studies show that providing clinicians with real-time information about their clients’ progress and engagement triples the success rate of couples therapy while significantly reducing deterioration and dropout. Only one proprietary system for providing feedback to couples therapists—the Partners for Change Outcome Management System—has been designated as “evidence-based” by the Substance and Mental Health Services Administration’s National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices. The Session Rating Scale taps the client’s experience of the therapeutic relationship.