The number of practitioner-scholar model clinical psychology programs has seen a dramatic increase since the 1970s. According to data obtained from the 2010 APA annual report, 78% of the 73 accredited Psy.D. clinical programs are guided by this training model compared with only 3% of clinical Ph.D. programs (Annual Report, 2010). In this model, students are trained as scholars, consumers of research, and professional practitioners who apply scholarly findings to clinical practice. With the advent of increasing numbers of such doctoral programs has come a number of challenges for both administrators and students based on the growing diversity of theoretical orientations in clinical psychology. This is especially true for a program that trains students in two different theoretical orientations and is home to a faculty comprised of both cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and psychodynamic (PD) professors. The clinical psychology doctoral (Psy.D.) program at Long Island University (LIU Post) has been a dual-orientation program since its inception in 1990. Interestingly, these challenges, which will be addressed in this chapter, can be traced back to their roots in the founding of the first practitioner-oriented clinical psychology doctoral programs.