In order to present a comprehensive overview of the social-mediated crisis communication (SMCC) research, ten Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) academic journals, mainly in relevant academic disciplines such as public relations or communication, were selected for full screening, ranging from 2002 to 2014. Public perception and media use became the most dominant area in SMCC research. Discussions emphasized public motivation for online media use, public strategies, emotions, engagement, identification, and generated online content in crises. In both Western and Eastern contexts, SMCC research has realized the empowering function of social media. Among several measurements for Crisis Communication Effectiveness (CCE), it was found that reputation was most frequently used, followed by media publicity, revenue reputation, cost reduction, and organizational-public relationship. Organizations, social media, and stakeholders, as three major research perspectives were clearly identified in SMCC research. For the types of organizations, it was found that governments or corporations were mostly discussed, whereas only 4 out of 69 articles discussed nonprofit organizations.