This chapter focuses on the issue of homophobic and transphobic bullying in higher education. Bell Hooks says in her book, Teaching to Transgress, the teaching should reflect the joy in the diversity that surrounds people. In Comstock review of data collected from three cross-sectional studies undertaken at universities in the USA, be found that 22 per cent of the 560 lesbian and gay students that were surveyed reported having been followed or chased by other undergraduates on campus. In terms of promoting LGBT inclusion, Anderson et al's study introduces the element of doubt into the mix as to whether or not two male students kissing are indeed gay, but this study does not affirm that it is safe to be gay on university and college campuses. Valentine et al found that while less than 20 per cent of universities monitored sexual orientation in recruitment process for staff, less than 10 per cent did so in the recruitment of students.