One of the most controversial topics in the bullying and cyberbullying literature is the issue of mental health. Bullying as a form of aggression and antisocial behaviour and cyberbullying as an online and electronic form of bullying attracts people's attention to the psychological characteristics of bullies. This chapter briefly defines what constitutes mental health, identifies factors that influence bullying, and describes the relationship between bullying, victimization, and mental health issues. There are two major contributors to mental health problems: biological factors and life experiences. The extended meta-analytic study of Ruiz, Pincus and Schinka shows the relationship between antisocial personality and impulsivity. Another study examining the personality traits of bullies shows that pure bullies have higher extraversion, psychoticism, and neuroticism scores than non-bully peers. The result of the study showed that while all victims described the nature of the relationship depicted in the scenario as bullying and exclusion, bullies and bystanders identifed the scenario as joking or fun.