This chapter explores the historical origins of scouting and its roots as a social experiment created to provide opportunities for young men, and then young women, to learn from experience within natural environments and to build character that emphasizes self-discipline, respect, doing good, citizenship, participation, and selflessness. The Scout Law and Promise are the foundational and fundamental idea of scouting, gathering and presenting the core values of scouting, which are shared across the world scouting fraternity organized through the auspices of the World Organization of the Scout Movement. The development of each young person is the ultimate goal of scouting, and personal progression is how s/he accomplishes the educational goals according to each age range. This renewal was mainly focused in three of the elements of the Scout Method: Symbolic Framework, Personal Progression, and Adult Support. Finally, the chapter discusses the specific history of the integration of scouting with the Catholic Church in Portugal that arose from its religious connection.