The most significant of the spaces was the seminar on "General Semantics". This seminar developed and changed shape over time and retrospectively, its initial phase - just before the events of 1968. This seminar might be, no "Greimassian Semiotic Circle" existed at this stage. While Claude Bremond, Tzvetan Todorov, or Tomas Pavel engage in heated confrontations with Greimas, to make them Greimassians. Indeed, for most of them, it had the opposite effect and the disagreements that surfaced in these encounters. For others, on the contrary, being considered as Greimassians, or even ex-Greimassians, became an unwelcome stigma. For Greimassian semiotics, it is probably in France that it has the worst reputation of all. The way in which Greimassian semiotics spread among the intellectual spheres mirrors the mode of presence of the object of its study, signification. Not the end of Greimassian semiotics as a theoretical project, but the Greimassian circle as a group of peers, collaborators, and friends.