Roppongi Nouen is a restaurant in the Roppongi district of Tokyo, which was established in response to this growing disparity between the urban and rural communities in Japan. Roppongi Nouen was started by a non-profit organization, Children of Farmers that was founded by a group of business people in Tokyo who are descendants of farming families. The volunteers engaged in hands-on plasterwork under the supervision of Kusumi. The final touch was entrusted entirely to Kusumi, who also played a role as the general director of this activity. In Japan, the traditional distribution of crops is handled by the Japanese Agricultural Group (JA), which involves shipping the crops in standard boxes and obtaining a large amount of stable profit through economies of scale. Nippon Travel Restaurant is one attempt to provide such an opportunity. In addition, Roppongi Nouen Farm and Yard both provide a new public space for people in the city to observe vegetables growing in front of their eyes.