Rebar created its first urban intervention in 2005, parking. What began as a two-hour guerilla art intervention was translated and shared with the public as an open-source how-to manual. Tactical urbanism has become commonplace in urban areas across the globe and has expanded in scope and scale. Henri Lefebvre's concept of the 'right to the city' is captured by the notion of the oeuvre: a life-enhancing environment produced by creative and collective participation. In 2010, the San Francisco Chronicle featured a series of articles by John King documenting the recent economic downturn in the US and the subsequent surge of interim-use activities. The jobs act, signed into law by President Obama on April 5, 2012, enables equity-based crowdfunding when it is conducted by a licensed broker-dealer or via a funding portal registered with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Interim uses, iterative placemaking, and crowdfunding by strategic planning entities are all creating new instruments for flexible urban environments.