This chapter examines the QEEG correlates of reading memory across six groups ranging from children to adults (ages 6-62) and clinical and non-clinical. The analysis involves the individual QEEG correlates as well as employing the Coordinated Allocation of Resource model (CAR), and the flashlight and processing unit concepts to organize the data theoretically and for purposes of statistical reduction of the many variables involved in the analysis. The QEEG data is organized according to arousal (magnitudes, relative power, peak amplitude, peak frequency) and communication concepts (coherence, phase). There are three tasks involved in reading-the initial encoding task (silent reading), immediate silent recall of the reading material, and delayed (15 minutes later) silent recall of the material. The results indicate that the brain employs almost all the frequencies (arousal and communication patterns) to accomplish successful memory. However, there are negative influences on memory functioning involving the different frequencies (arousal and communication patterns) which present an interesting and heretofore not fully recognized factor in QEEG. Perhaps the most interesting findings involve the processing unit concept, which points to a dominant role of the frontal lobe and frontal central processing unit in reading memory. In addition, there is a strong pattern of left hemisphere involvement in reading memory as well as flashlight activity from T5, T3, and left frontal locations with the dominant frequency involving alpha (coherence and phase). The results offer a new viewpoint on how to construct EEG biofeedback protocols to improve reading.