C&T was founded in 1988 as a Theatre-in-Education (TIE) company serving schools and communities in the City of Worcester and the rural West Midlands of England. Korogocho is the fourth largest slum district of Nairobi, occupied by some 150,000 people packed into a 1.5km area to the northeast of the city. C&T's first visit to Korogocho took place in May 2011. During the week- long stay C&T's Artistic Director Paul Sutton and Assistant Director Max Allsup visited Korogocho daily. C&T and CPK spent several days working at the Moi International Sports Centre, conveniently situated on the outskirts of Korogocho. Here both companies explored the legacies of Living Newspapers. A lack of experience of devising and improvization meant that original scenes were often unclearly unstructured or muddled, so C&T imposed focusing constraints by shaping digital variations of established drama techniques such as Tableux Vivant by using Twitter's Vine app.