This chapter portrayed a configuration of contemporary market practices, characterizing and categorizing, monitoring Dutch children in a digitising society. It illustrates the performativity of such socio-material practices and discusses market professionals self-produced legitimizations based on their presumed knowledge of children. It also demonstrate the ways in which the Dutch kids market and children's identities as consumers are constituted within this configuration, that they are not pre-existing entities. The practice based approach as well as the semiotic approach to user technology relations used in this chapter, with notions such as performativity, enactment, translation, inscription, representational, exchange, and normalizing practices, can contribute to the current social and academic debate concerning contemporary marketing communication targeting children. The digital means are not to be considered neutral for instance, advergames play an active role in shaping these market practices, children's consumer identity, and children's commercial literacy and conversely, they are actively shaped by market practices and children's new media use themselves.