This chapter gives a dialectical reformulation and extension of Stevens and Hall's interaction analysis (IA) perspective on disciplined perception (DP) a reformulation that includes analysis of what can be well rendered by coordination class theory. Reconsidering the data and analysis through a knowledge analysis (KA) lens raised several issues for further elaboration. The chapter affords the opportunity to explore different aspects of disciplined perception than were possible in the case of Adam and Bluma. People introduces the three primary representations of the roadway and terrain that Jake and Evan make use of in developing their rationale for the roadway design: plan view, profile view, and section view. Plan view shows a map of the proposed roadway set against a topographic map of the terrain. In profile view, people see a side view projection of both the proposed road and the existing terrain. Section view gives a representation of 'slices' of the roadway every 50 feet.