The London Borough of Hackney is one of Britain's most diverse areas. Hackney's diversity is characterised not only by a multiplicity of different migrant minorities. The 2001 riots in northern English towns triggered major criticism of multiculturalism policies which were blamed for enhancing separate communities'. Valentine cautions against generalisations about the positive effects of regular encounters on intercultural understandings. Hackney's history of population change has resulted in what appears to be a great acceptance of diversity. Sometimes, the ethos of mixing is being undermined when specific groups are seen to lead separate lives. The ethos of mixing' is questioned particularly when it comes to disputes about space. Hipsters are young, Many of them are students or work in the design and fashion industries and in media. Turkish speakers and Vietnamese people are among the more established ethnic minorities. They form a good example because they are both visibly recognisable and many of the first-generation migrants.