The decade since China’s entry into the WTO has been one in which Shenzhen achieved major progress in both reform and opening up, and socioeconomic development. These ten years prove that China’s decision to join the WTO was correct. The reasons for Shenzhen’s progress can be partially attributed to the opportunities that attended WTO accession, but more importantly, they are due to Shenzhen’s own work in carrying out the local work surrounding WTO accession. One could say that the effectiveness of this local work accelerated the whole process of Shenzhen’s opening up to the outside world in general. It accelerated a transformation of government functions and reform of economic management systems, which led to faster progress on setting up a market-economy system and establishing an open type of economic system overall in Shenzhen. At the same time, it broadened and strengthened an awareness of the benefits of openness among various government levels and enterprises. It gave them an international perspective. As a result, we were able to use entry into the WTO to full advantage on the international stage, in terms of both the opportunities and the rights and privileges accorded to China. By rigorously respecting and applying international rules and regulations, we have been able to achieve new things in reform and opening up. This chapter looks at the experience of Shenzhen in carrying out WTO endeavors and the role that this work played in socioeconomic development. Using that experience, it explores the next steps in strengthening local, that is provincial, as well as some large municipalities and autonomous regions, work relating to the WTO on a nationwide basis.