'Guangzan jing' literally means 'Sutra Praising the Light' and like the Fangguang jing it is an allusion to the emission of light by the Buddha as a prelude to his teaching of the sutra. The present rendering of Guangzan jing as the Guangzan Version of the Pancavimsatisahasrikaprajnaparamita Sutra is based on the research findings of modern scholars. The source texts were both brought here from Khotan. In the seventh year of the Taikang reign, the Khotanese Gitamitra arrived with the text of the Guangzan version, and in the same year, on the twenty-fifth day of the eleventh month, the translation was brought forth by the eminent Dharmaraksa. The Fangguang version arrived in Luoyang in the third year the Taikang reign. It came under the charge of the Khotanese Punyadarsa, who had been entrusted with the task of delivery by his master.