This chapter talks about Hui Guan who was born into a family with the surname Cui, in what is present-day Hebei Province. He became a Buddhist monk at an early age, and traveled to study under different masters. He went to Mount Lu and studied under Hui Yuan. When he heard that Kumarajiva was coming to northern China, he went to study under him. His extensive exposure enabled him to make comparisons between the teachings of different masters and thus helped him explore doctrinal problems in depth. The eminent Kumarajiva, a Buddhist monk who came from another country, was exceptionally intelligent and knowledgeable, and possessed fathomless wisdom and the gift of great eloquence. Determined to follow the Buddha's path, he vowed to bear up the sublime torch so that the weakening tenets could be illuminated again and sunken mortals saved; and so, bearing the lamp of wisdom, he set foot in this land.