This chapter draws extensively on a survey composed of semi-directive interviews carried out from 2008 to 2009 with twenty of the movement's contributors: fifteen dancers aged 14 to 20 and five industry professionals. Danses electro are part of the cultural continuum of electronic music. Born in the United States, the first manifestations of house came in the mid-1980s and techno around 1988. Tecktonik and danses electro were also danced in public spaces: in the streets and on public squares. The young stars of danses electro promoted on social networks very much resembled their admirers in terms of age and style. Danses electro was then carried forward on social networks and through amateur practice, more specifically around the Vertifight championship. Mass media popularity mechanisms can today be seen at work within youth culture itself. With Internet networks, young people are now participating in the construction of popularity and the creation of stars of musical and cultural trends in a new way.